Orange Juice with Grenadine Syrup

Grenadine et jus d'orange
Ingredients :

½ oz (15 ml) grenadine syrup

2 ¾ oz (83 ml) fresh orange juice

A few maraschino cranberries (for garnish)

Preparation :

Add all the ingredients to a glass filled with ice.

For a better result, froth your orange juice using a handheld milk frother.

faites mousser votre jus d’orange à l’aide d’un mousseur à lait à main.

Mix with a spoon until your fingers become very cold.

Garinsh with maraschino cranberries.

About our Orange Juice with Grenadine Syrup

For this recipe, we work your biceps! Nothing better than a freshly squeezed juice served in bed accompanied by our grenadine, also made with real fruit!